Project details: For more than five years, LTG Associates was the external evaluator for a 15-million-dollar initiative focused on the mind, body, and spiritual health of nearly 2,000 United Methodist ministers in North Carolina funded by the Duke Endowment (TDE). LTG worked with all of the stakeholders in the initiative to understand what worked, what […]
Project details: The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is key to the design, funding, and management of services that are core to the health of California’s nearly 40 million residents with special focus on those living with particular economic, social, and wellness challenges. LTG provided DHCS with ethnographic video and ethnographic methods services […]
Project details: LTG was contracted by NASA to conduct an ethnographic assessment of a rapid teaming process focused on an autonomy innovation challenge. The experiment was designed to understand and answer a central research question: Can a NASA ARMD team rapidly learn and apply new approaches to creating innovative conceptual designs using the best researchers […]
Project details: Exploring cultural strengths in raising healthy children in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander communities Working with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, LTG was asked to establish a culturally grounded, community-based, and informed framework for building and sustaining advocacy practices and networks for promoting child wellness in Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AA and NHPI) communities. Research was conducted with five ethnic communities in […]
Project details: Over a period of several years, LTG worked with the Bureau of Primary Health Care [BPHC], Division of Programs for Special Populations, in the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, on geriatric policy and practice. LTG both made use of existing data and gathered new qualitative […]
Project details: LTG Associates conducted a program-wide assessment for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on their Syphilis Elimination Program, based on evaluation data collected from all CDC-funded local-level grantees working to eliminate syphilis in their local population through increased access to and utilization of testing and primary care services. The analysis synthesized […]
Project details: For the World Health Organization (WHO) LTG conducted an evaluation of the Collaborative Fund’s Preparing for Treatment Programme, funded in part by the WHO. The Programme’s objective was to support and expand national and, where appropriate, sub-national community-driven HIV/AIDS treatment preparedness efforts to support the scale-up of national anti-retroviral therapy (ART) Programmes and […]
Project details: The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality (AHRQ) commissioned an evaluation to identify how MONAHRQ was being used and by whom to better guide future efforts in expanding and improving upon the software. The evaluation was also intended to help AHRQ better understand the environment in which comparative health information is developed and […]
Project details: LTG Associates provided evaluation support to the Office on Women’s Health in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to understand the challenges and opportunities encountered by employers and mothers around accommodations for lactating women returning to work after giving birth. OWH had developed significant resources for employers […]
Project details: LTG held a three-year task order contract with the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) at the Health Resources and Services Administration in the Federal Department of Health and Human Services. As part of its work, LTG provided management development, and systems and program development; two task orders are described below. LTG provided technical assistance, through […]