Project details:
The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is key to the design, funding, and management of services that are core to the health of California’s nearly 40 million residents with special focus on those living with particular economic, social, and wellness challenges.
LTG provided DHCS with ethnographic video and ethnographic methods services to support a better understanding and services for families with low incomes. LTG designed and conducted a project in which two groups were identified, recruited, and for whom video ethnographies were developed. The two groups were families with limited incomes working to raise fully well children, and community leaders who were developing cutting-edge responses to the challenges of child and family wellness.
LTG created two feature-length video ethnographies focused on parents raising healthy children in low-income families and communities and the second on cutting edge services to promote strong families and communities. The videos are being used in policy, program, educational, and advocacy venues. The videos may be found at:
Project info:
- California Dept. of Health Care Services
- Praxis Recognition & Film Festival Showings