Two areas of complementary interest for LTG are capacity-building in evaluation knowledge and skills, particularly for non-profit organizations, and the development of evidence of the utility of programs and practices particularly for racial, ethnic, and at-risk populations. Examples of these two areas of focus are provided in the project descriptions below. Read more + Support […]
Over the years, LTG has been invited to work with a variety of organizations to support desired development. Such development has included issues such as: management infrastructure strengthening, vision development and implementation, and, capacity development for new services and populations. A few examples of this kind of work are provided below. Read more + HIV/AIDS […]
While LTG excels in designing and conducting qualitative inquiries, depending on the issue and the context, the use of mixed methods and quantitative approaches can be essential. LTG brings expertise in the design and conduct of both mixed methods and quantitative studies to respond to client needs. In this section are a few examples of […]
Ethnography is a tool frequently utilized by anthropologists to observe, record, and analyze the workings of a culture, society, or organization. An important feature of good ethnography is to be able to relate disparate elements through a connecting logic. LTG has conducted ethnographic work across the decades over a range of topics in a variety […]
Evaluation at its best is about seeing, learning, improving, and communicating findings and lessons to others. LTG Associates is known for our intelligent approach to development and implementation of assessment, evaluation, monitoring and learning tasks, and for our commitment to form always following function. Read more + Mentally Ill Offenders Crime Reduction Grant (MIOCRG) Program […]
Effective services are those that are recognized, valued and used by those who should be served. Fundamental to developing and providing quality services is conducting research that explores fundamental cultural values and expectations. The research must then yield practical, sustainable means to develop and enact effective, population-based programs and, evidence that informs policy. LTG has […]
Business & Strategy Business Intelligence Business Planner Financial Advices World Health Organization Recent News We would love to share a similar experience November 10, 2020 We glad to discuss your organisation situation. November 6, 2020 In this context our main approach was to build. October 20, 2020 Contact us Intime Business (Sydney) 1 Epping Road […]
Business & Strategy Business Intelligence Business Planner Financial Advices World Health Organization Recent News We would love to share a similar experience November 10, 2020 We glad to discuss your organisation situation. November 6, 2020 In this context our main approach was to build. October 20, 2020 Contact us Intime Business (Sydney) 1 Epping Road […]