Project details: LTG provided short-term support and technical assistance in design, monitoring and evaluation of maternal, child health, child survival, nutrition, infectious disease, HIV/AIDS, family planning, and reproductive health programs, with the goal of improving availability, quality, and use of key interventions. With a budget of 30 million dollars, nearly 400 projects were conducted globally […]
Project details: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence in Immigrant and Refugee Communities (SWW) was a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) in collaboration with LTG Associates, as the national program office, to identify promising practices to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) among immigrant and refugee populations in the U.S. The initiative also focused […]
Project details: LTG designed and conducted monitoring and evaluation tools and systems and provided evaluation capacity development to a global network of over 140 community-based HIV/AIDS treatment projects. The final report and presentation were focused to policymakers, international donors, NGOs, and grantees. Uses included a WHO organization-wide briefing, the International AIDS Conference, and, by the […]
Project details: LTG provided evaluation support to OWH to understand the challenges and opportunities encountered by employers and mothers in accommodating lactating women returning to work after giving birth. A national sample of employers in manufacturing, education, health care, and retail/restaurant industries was identified for in-depth interviews to gauge their response to the resource and […]
Project details: The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) is key to the design, funding, and management of services that are core to the health of California’s nearly 40 million residents with special focus on those living with particular economic, social, and wellness challenges. LTG provided DHCS with ethnographic video and ethnographic methods services […]