Project details:
LTG Associates worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) on a number of complex projects over a number of years. Two will be described here, one a new concept development and testing and the second a global evaluation.
Decent Care (Praxis Recognition)
The International Labor Organization (ILO) developed the concept of “Decent Work” and, beginning in 2000, initiated an agenda to promote the importance of good working conditions to development and poverty reduction. The World Health Organization (WHO) sought to explore an analogous concept of “Decent Care” and how it could be implemented in health care policy and services globally. The WHO is the preeminent health care authority globally and as such must lead into new territory carefully as the organization’s decisions will affect WHO regions, country governments, faith-based organizations, global non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and others. The challenge then, was to explore the concept of Decent Care through the respectful engagement of diverse stakeholders and to move through a process of development and refinement to a series of exploratory implementation steps. The introduction, development, and piloting of Decent Care by the WHO was an evolving global process that involved various distinct but interconnected activities conducted over a period of four years. LTG provided multiple kinds of support to the WHO to define, refine, and test the concepts as illustrated below.
One of the critical contributions that they (Tashima and Crain) have made is to bring an unwavering vision of affected people as stewards of the planning, processes, and outcomes of services needed to effect optimal health and effective public health interventions. This vision was first made clear in the paper written for the Decent Care I Consultation, cosponsored with Ford Foundation, entitled: “From GIPA to CAP: A New Model to Health Entitlement.” …It was also one of the papers which helped to frame the first conversations about what decency should be; namely, agency. This term, identified by Tashima and Crain as a core value of decency, demonstrated reason and method by which those affected by disease were entitled to the commanding of needed resources to ensure life, safety and security. This has become a central concept in the values of "Decent Care".
- T. Karpf, Director, External Relations/ Partnerships, WHO
Preparing for Treatment Programme Evaluation Project (Praxis Recognition)
LTG designed and conducted monitoring and evaluation and provided capacity development to a global network of over 140 community-based HIV/AIDS treatment projects. The final report and presentation were focused to policymakers, international donors, NGOs, and grantees. Uses included a WHO headquarters-hosted, organization-wide briefing, a presentation at the International AIDS Conference, and, by the WHO and the Collaborative Fund. The report was widely cited for its utility and sensitivity and earned LTG the national Praxis Award for excellence in translating anthropological knowledge into action.
Project info:
- World Health Organization
- Praxis Recognition